Wednesday, May 12, 2010
An apology can restore peace, but only real forgiveness heals the pains of the war.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Berlin Wall

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Petition for Beatles mono CDs to be sold separately

1) The first four albums had long been available in mono, so only diehards will want to buy them again.
2) Some collectors would only want "Sgt. Pepper's", the White Album and maybe "Magical Mystery Tour", which are the ones featuring the most noticeable differences compared to their stereo counterparts.
3) Even for those who want them all, it might be easier on their pockets to buy a few CDs at a time than all of them at once.
If you support this idea, please sign the petition by clicking here.
Monday, September 14, 2009
We want the Bee Gees in Brazil!

The only time the Bee Gees performed in South America was in Argentina in 1997, during the One Night Only tour. Lots of Brazilians went to Buenos Aires to see the show. At a certain point during the performance, a Brazilian flag was thrown on stage. This was news in Brazilian papers. In November 2005, Robin Gibb performed in São Paulo. Four thousand people were there to see him.
It is generally agreed by critics and fans alike that the Bee Gees had their finest hour in the 60's and 70's. In the 60's, because of unforgettable ballads such as "Massachusetts" and "I Started a Joke". In the 70's, because of the disco craze, the "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack and other songs in a similar vein such as "Tragedy" and "Too Much Heaven". In Brazil, however, there is a new generation of fans that rank the Bee Gees' post-70's albums as high as anything they did before. Of course, this is owing to the period in which they were born, with songs such as "Wish You Were Here" and "For Whom the Bells Toll" getting a lot of airplay in Brazil. But one just has to listen carefully to each of the albums from those years to realize these younger fans are not wrong. "One" (1989), "Size Isn't Everything" (1993), "Still Waters" (1997) and "This is Where I Came In" (2001) are as good as the Bee Gees' most memorable records from their classic years. The truth is that the Bee Gees have always maintained the same level of creativity and craftsmanship, even when they didn't get as much media coverage. And if there is any country in which this has always been perceived and acknowledged, it is Brazil.
We don't know yet what Barry and Robin's plans are exactly, whether they are planning on a major world tour or at the very least a number of concerts in other countries. What we do know is that we want the Bee Gees in Brazil. Brazilian fans are uniting to try to get the Brothers to perform here. The biggest Bee Gees community in Orkut (a friendship website that has become more popular in Brazil than Facebook, Multiply or MySpace) has more than 61 thousand members. We do hope that this message reaches Barry, Robin or anyone in their inner circle. Do get in touch with Brazilian promoters and bring the boys here. A Bee Gees concert in Brazil is long overdue. This reunion is the perfect chance to make it happen.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A Brazilian rarity

The single tracks will be easily recognizable to any serious Elton John fan: "One Day at a Time", "Step Into Christmas", "It's Me That You Need", "Lady Samantha", "Jack Rabbit", "Into The Old Man's Shoes", "Sick City" and "Sugar on The Floor". But then, there are also "I've Seen That Movie Too", "Jamaica Jerk-Off" and "All The Girls Love Alice", originally from the "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" double album. It so happens that this particular release had been reduced to a single record in Brazil. Again, the Brazilian company can't be blamed: Elton was just beginning to get popular over here in late 1973. A double album might be a bit much for the newly converted Brazilian fans. As it stood, the reduced album sold well, making Elton as popular here as he already was in other countries. Two of the tracks that were left off were released on the "4 Top Hits From England" EP series, namely, "Ballad of Danny Bailey" and "Sweet Painted Lady". Incidentally, the first release from this series featured the 1973 remake of "Skyline Pigeon", which is still remembered by long-time Brazilian fans as an Elton John greatest hit - so much in fact that it was recently included in the Brazilian edition of the "Rocket Man: Number Ones" compilation.
The "One Day at a Time" album had a beautiful gatefold sleeve and it is certainly a very nice item for any serious collector. But knowledgeable fans can only wonder how anyone could be fooled into thinking Elton could have recorded such dissimilar songs as "Lady Samantha" and "Step Into Christmas" in the same sessions!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Beatles comic book

This comic book was published in Brazil in 1966 by O Cruzeiro, which used to publish Little Lulu ("Luluzinha" in Brazil), Top Cat ("Manda Chuva") and other great comic book characters, not to mention the major magazine that gave the company its name. The original book was published by Dell in the United States and must be quite a collector's item now. I saw it for sale in 1990 in a New York rare record store called "It's Only Rock and Roll" for $50. I wonder how much it's worth today. By now the real Beatles' story has been told countless times, but in the 60's a "sanitized" version was prepared for the teen audience. For instance: we all know that John Lennon married Cynthia because she was pregnant. The comic book presents a much more romantic version. In the panel below, John is in Hamburg missing Cynthia so much that he doesn't feel like dating the German girls: